Effects of disinfectant fogging procedure on dust, ammonia concentration, aerobic bacteria and fungal spores in a farrowing-weaning room
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Department of Health, Animal Science and Food Safety, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan, Italy
Department of Health Sciences of the University of Milan, Italy
Department of Department of Veterinary Science and Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan, Italy
Corresponding author
Annamaria Costa   

Department of Health, Animal Science and Food Safety, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan, Italy
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2014;21(3):494-499
Introduction and Objective:
In the last decades, large-scale swine production has led to intensive rearing systems in which air quality can be easily degraded by aerial contaminants that can pose a health risk to the pigs and farm workers. This study evaluated the effects of fogging disinfectant procedure on productive performance, ammonia and dust concentration, aerobic bacteria and fungal spores spreading in the farrowing–weaning room.

Material and Methods:
This trial was conducted in 2 identical farrowing-weaning rooms of a piggery. In both rooms, 30 pregnant sows were lodged in individual cages. At 75 days of age, the piglets were moved to the fattening room. In the treated room, with the birth of the first suckling-pig, the fogging disinfection with diluted Virkon S was applied once a day in the experimental room per 15 minutes at 11:00. The fogging disinfectant treatment was switched between rooms at the end of the first trial period. Temperature, relative humidity, dust (TSP-RF fractions and number of particles), ammonia concentration and aerial contaminants (enterococci, Micrococcaeae and fungal spores) were monitored in both rooms.

Ammonia concentration reduction induced by fogging disinfection was estimated 18%, total suspended particles and the respirable fraction were significantly lower in the experimental room. Fungal spores resulted in a significant reduction by the fogging procedure, together with dust respirable fraction and fine particulate matter abatement.

The fogging disinfection procedure improved air quality in the piggery, thereby enhancing workers and animals health.
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