Physical activity of Poles – Critical analysis of research 2010–2014
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University School of Physical Education in Poznan, Poland
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Adam Kantanista   

University School of Physical Education in Poznan, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2014;21(4):839-843
The aim of the study was an analysis of research on the physical activity (PA) carried out among Poles from 2010 – 2014 on a national scale. The obtained results concerning PA and recommended levels of PA, in particular those issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), were taken into consideration. The research articles were obtained through searching English-language scientific databases and common search engines. National-level research conducted within the Polish population aged 10 years and above were taken into account. Studies presenting the PA of Poles without division into age categories were excluded. Seven research papers presenting studies on children and adolescents (aged 10–18 years), adults (aged 19–64 years) and older adults (aged 65+ years) were included into the subsequent analysis. When referring to the accepted criteria within the PA research satisfactory levels of PA were observed in: a) 4.2% – 91.4% of female subjects and 17.9% – 93.8% of male subjects aged 10–18 years, b) 9.2% – 77.6% of male subjects and 12.0% – 77.6% of female subjects aged 19–64 years, c) 11.9% – 50.7% of male subjects and 11.1% – 50.7% of female subjects aged 65 years and above. The results obtained in the study demonstrate a very wide variability of PA levels, thus rendering these results implausible. Recommendations issued by the WHO for the PA were assumed in only two cases. The study was conducted by use of the self-reported method, primarily with research tools which did not meet psychometric standards were employed. It is necessary to perform systematic studies on the methodological correctness of research on the PA of Poles. On the basis of the study carried out from 2010 – 2014 it is difficult to answer reliably the question: ‘What are the levels of PA of Polish subjects?’
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