Biological and environemntal conditionings for a sperm DNA fragmentation
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Department for Health Problems of Ageing, Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland
College of Public Health, Zielona Góra, Poland
Laboratory of Diagnostic Procedures. Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2013;20(4):865-868
The objective of the presented study was determination of the effect of selected agents on sperm DNA fragmentation – superoxide dismutase in seminal plasma, the patients’ age, and burdening with the tobacco smoking habit. An attempt was also undertaken to evaluate the effect of DNA fragmentation on the effectiveness of infertility treatment. The study covered 186 men who received treatment due to infertility. The database and statistical analyses were performed using computer software STATISTICA 7.1. A relationship was observed between sperm DNA fragmentation and superoxide dismutase activity, the higher the SOD activity, the lower the percentage of sperm fragmentation (rs=−0.324; P=0.000; r = –0.2110). A statistical relationship was found between sperm DNA fragmentation and the percentage of pregnancies obtained during the first year of treatment – patients with the lower DFI more frequently became fathers during the first year of trying, compared to the remainder (t=2.51; P=0.013). A statistically significant relationship was confirmed (rs=−0.370; P=0.000) consisting in an increase in the DFI with respondents’ age. No significant differences were noted between the DFI and the tobacco smoking habit (Chi2=0.29; P=0.926). The percentage of sperm DNA fragmentation was inversely proportional to superoxide dismutase activity in seminal plasma. DNA fragmentation becomes intensified with patients’ age. Cigarette smoking has no effect on sperm DNA fragmentation. DNA fragmentation exerts an effect on the effectiveness of infertility treatment.
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