Choice of optimal biocide combination to control flies (Diptera: Muscidae)
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University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Department for Plant and Environmental Protection, Novi Sad, Serbia
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2015;22(2):243-246
Introduction. Flies – by feeding on decaying matter, human waste and food – have been implicated in the spread of numerous animal and human diseases. Excessive fly populations are generally associated with livestock units and domestic waste due to decaying organic matter. A large number of flies cause extreme disturbance in the behavior of the host, resulting in skin irritation, lesions, wounds, and secondary infections are likely to appear.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of combined applications of larvicide (cyromazine) and adulticides (acetamiprid in formulation with pheromone and thiamethoxam) on the suppression of fly populations.

Material and Methods:
The study was conducted on a pig farm. The piglet farms are one of the most favorable places for fly breeding. Three units were used for biocide applications and a fourth unit as the control where biocides were not applied. The monitoring of pre- and post-treatment of adult fly populations was carried out by glued cardboards. The cards were hung on metal rods above piglet’s cage. This monitoring method served as a parameter for the estimation of biological effectiveness.

The highest degree of fly control (88.4% mortality 8 days after treatment) was achieved when a combination of cyromazine and thiamethoxam was used. A biocide based on sex pheromone (Z)-9-tricosene + acetamiprid was the most effective on flies 3 days after biocide application, with a mortality rate of 69.1%. Thiamethoxam achieved the highest reduction of flies 6 days after treatment, with 78.19% obtained mortality.

Biological efficacy of the applied biocides in combination ciromazine + thiamethoxam and thiamethoxam alone was justified.
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