Breast cancer survival gap between urban and rural female population in Podlaskie Voivodship, Poland, in 2001–2002. Population study.
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Medical University of Bialystok, Department of Public Health, Białystok, Poland
National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland
Maria Skłodowska-Curie Bialystok Oncology Centre, Białystok, Poland
Medical University of Poznań, Department of Hygiene, Poznań, Poland
Corresponding author
Michalina Krzyżak   

Medical University of Bialystok, Department of Public Health, Białystok, Poland.
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2010;17(2):277-282
The aim of the study was to evaluate differences in breast cancer 5-year relative survival rates between the urban and rural female population in Podlaskie Voivodship in 2001-2002, before the introduction of the Population Screening Programme in 2006. The analysis was based on 659 breast cancer cases diagnosed in 2001-2002 and registered in CR in Białystok (Voivodship Cancer Registry). Relative survival and relative excess of risk of death after 5 years of diagnosis as function of age and stage among urban and rural women population were calculated. The results showed that survival rates in Podlaskie Voivodship were low (69.4%) in comparison to the European average (79.4%), and they differed between urban and rural areas. Patients living in rural areas had a much lower survival rate than those living in urban areas at local and regional stage of disease, whereas survivals were higher at the metastatic stage. In all age groups considered in the study, the survivals in rural areas were lower than in urban areas. The multivariate analysis confirmed that both the cancer stage and place of residence are independent prognostic factors. Relationship with age was not confirmed. The research results indicate low curability of breast cancer in Podlaskie Voivodship, and significant differences between urban and rural areas. These results need to be considered in the planning and monitoring of further intervention in order to increase the effectiveness of prevention and treatment standards for more disadvantaged rural areas. It is particularly significant when implementing the National Cancer Control Programme.
We thank Ewa Brdak for assistance and advice with the English. The study has been supported by Ministry of Science and Higher Education Grant No. N404161437.
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