An assessment of factors related to disability in ADL and IADL in elderly inhabitants of rural areas of south-eastern Poland
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Department of Medicine, Institute of Physiotherapy, University of Rzeszow, Poland
Center for Innovative Research in Medical and Natural Sciences, University of Rzeszow, Poland
Corresponding author
Agnieszka Beata Ćwirlej-Sozańska   

Department of Medicine, Institute of Physiotherapy, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland, Warszawska 26 A, 35-205 Rzeszów, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2018;25(3):504-511
Introduction and objective:
Demographic changes in Europe have resulted in anincreased demand for healthcare and social care for the elderly. The aim of this study was to analyze the factors related to disability in ADL and IADL among elderly inhabitants of rural areas of southeastern Poland.

Material and methods:
The study involved 426 subjects aged 71–80 years. To assess their activities of daily living, the Katz ADL Scale was used, and the Lawton IADL Scale was used to assess their instrumental activities in daily living.

The subjects reported at least one problem with IADL (43.19%) more often than with ADL (36.85%). The strongest factors related to difficulties with ADL were assessment of satisfaction with life, using assistive devices, and having one’s home suitably adapted. The strongest factors related to IADL were the assessment of satisfaction with life, education, using assistive devices and performing moderate physical exercise at a minimum of 150 minutes per week.

Age, education, pain, falls, household not fully adapted for one’s needs, using assistive devices, lack of satisfaction with life, and low assessment of quality of life had a significant impact on the prevalence of ADL and/or IADL disabilities in the elderly inhabitants of rural areas. Most of these factors can be subject to modification. They are also a complex of predictors that allow for identifying and supporting those elderly patients from rural areas who are the most vulnerable.

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