Diabetic foot – the need for comprehensive multidisciplinary approach
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Department of Hypertension and Diabetology Medical University, Gdańsk, Poland
Diabetology Department, Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland; Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska Institute of Public Health, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2011;18(2):314-317
Diabetes mellitus is considered to be civilization disease development of which is influenced by environmental changes. Diabetic foot (ulceration, infection, gangrene) is one of the most disabling complication of diabetes mellitus. It contributes to the increased mortality and cardiovascular death. It also frequently leads to depression, social exclusion and physical impairment. Risk factors of diabetic foot are as follows: age, race, sex, duration of diabetes, biomechanical factors, level of glycemia, smoking habits. According to international standards diabetic foot can be successfully treated only by the multidisciplinary team which can provide more comprehensive and integrated care as compared to ordinary medical team or single specialist. Multidisciplinary team consists of: diabetologist, shoemaker, orthopedist, psychologist, surgeons both vascular and general, podologists, radiologists, educators, nurses and rehabilitation team. Such coordinated attitude to a patient may be the future solution for any civilization and environment-related disease requiring treatment which cannot be successfully provided by any ordinary medical team.
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