The rapidly progressing and fatal outcome of rhombencephalitis by listeriosis in a 61-year-old male
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Chair and Department of Neurology, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI), University of California, San Francisco, CA, United States
Corresponding author
Urszula Skrobas
Chair and Department of Neurology, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2024;31(2):311-314
Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive facultative anaerobic bacterium that is ubiquitous in the environment and can cause severe infections in immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women, and newborns. Listeriosis can manifest as meningitis, encephalitis, or sepsis, and its diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion. The case is reported of a rare presentation of rhombencephalitis by listeriosis in a 61-year-old male who initially suffered from subacute gastric disturbances and fever. Neurological consultation showed abnormal functions of cranial nerves and meningeal signs were observed. MRI revealed a poorly demarcated focus of approximately 45 × 16 × 15mm, indicating possible inflammatory processes, necessitating a lumbar puncture. Assessment of the CSF indicated infection with the bacterium- Listeria Monocytogenes, with the final diagnosis of Listeriosis encephalitis. Despite antibiotic therapy of Ceftazidine and Ampicillin, the patient’s
condition deteriorated, followed by death.
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