Evaluation of the hospital environment for women with endometrial cancer
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Institute of Obstetrics and Emergency Medicine, University of Rzeszow, Poland
Clinical Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rzeszow State Hospital, Rzeszow, Poland
Corresponding author
Joanna Skręt-Magierło   

Institute of Obstetrics and Emergency Medicine, University of Rzeszow, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2016;23(3):511-516
Introduction and objectives:
The aim of the study was describe the factors determining the evaluation of the hospital environment, especially satisfaction with care and individual needs of cancer patients.

Material and Methods:
The study comprised 80 women with endometrial cancer diagnosed and treated surgery in the Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Rzeszow, Poland, between 2011–2012. The study used 3 questionnaires: the Goals Attainment Scaling (GAS) questionnaires, and questionnaires developed by the EORTC Quality of Life group, i.e. the QLQ C-30 (general module) and the In- PATSAT-32.

Respondents indicated 36 goals/expectations and the most common (over 50%) concerned the normal course of the post-operative period. The overall index of all goals which were met was 7.0 points. General quality of life reported by respondents before surgery was at a medium level (52.3+16.8%). Emotional functioning received the lowest scores (61.0+18.8%). Most respondents assessed manual skills of hospital doctors and nurses as the best in the In-PATSAT 32 scale i.e. 69.9±14.7% and 67.3±16.1%, respectively. The worst ratings concerned access to hospital from the outside (50.8±16.9%) and easy orientation inside the buildings (55.9±16.0%).

Analysis of correlations between GAS and the In-PATSAT32 scales proved that they cannot be used interchangeably since they measure different aspects of a patient’s satisfaction with hospital care. For this reason, the application of idiographic and nomothetic tests among cancer patients is helpful for evaluation of the hospital environment.
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