Ergonomic evaluation of workload by milk production – a bibliometric analysis
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Department of Production Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Campus Reitor João David Ferreira Lima, SC, Florianópolis, Brazil
UTFPR – University Technological Federal of Paraná
USP – University of São Paulo
UFPR – University Federal of Paraná
Corresponding author
Claudilaine Caldas de Oliveira   

Department of Production Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Campus Reitor João David Ferreira Lima, SC, Florianópolis, Brazil
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2017;24(3):376-382
Introduction and Objective:
The purpose of this study was to select in a structured manner the relevant articles with scientific recognition, and simultaneously identify the characteristics of these publications that may scientifically enrich the theme in a portfolio of papers. The theme involves ergonomics in milk production as a criterion for evaluating and improving organizational performance in the milking sector.

Material and Methods:
The study used ProKnow-C as a theoretical instrument for intervention.

The main results show: i) a bibliographic portfolio of 18 items aligned with the view adopted by researchers which served as a theoretical framework for this research; ii) The article entitled “Wrist positions and movements as possible risk factors during machine milking”, by Marianne Stål, Gert-Åke Hansson and Ulrich Moritz in 1999 and published in the Journal of Applied Ergonomics presented the highest scientific recognition, iii) the authors highlighted in the bibliographic portfolio or in its references researching the subject are Gert-Åke Hansson, Marianne Stål and Stefan Pinzke, and iv) the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics shows the highest number of scientific articles in the bibliographic portfolio.

The studies selected using the methodology indicate research in ergonomics focused on the production of milk in rural areas, specifically in the milking sector, are generally related to the health and safety of the workers.

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