An assessment of health practises among small-scale farmers in Kwara State, Nigeria
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Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2015;22(3):488-490
The study examines the personal health practices of small scale farmers in Kwara State, Nigeria.

Material and Methods:
Primary data were obtained using a well-structured questionnaire which was distributed to 120 small scale farmers. Descriptive statistical techniques such as frequency count, percentages were used, as well as Pearson Product Moment correlation and analysis for empirical analysis.

Results revealed that more than half (55%) smoke cigarettes, about 48% drink alcohol to a very great extent, while the majority (64.5%) indicated they have not been screened to know their HIV status. On a positive note, the results further show that the majority 70%, 53.3%, 80% and 73.3% indicated that they eat a balance diet, engage in physical activity, practice safer sex, and regularly visit a health care centre, respectively. It also revealed that 77% have not attended any training on healthy living. The results of PPMC showed that the health knowledge of respondents had significant (p<0.01) influence on practices like cigarette smoking, eating a balance diet and regular visits to a health care centre.

It was concluded that health threatening practices such as cigarette smoking and drinking alcohol among the majority of the respondents, coupled with their lack of health knowledge from health professionals, contributes to the poor health status of respondents which eventually negatively influences the labour efficiency of farmers. It is recommended that farmers should endeavour to make use of health literacy programmes introduced to them at local government level, and that the government should provide more of these health literacy programmes.
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