Selected social and health problems in functioning of disabled rural and urban inhabitants in the Lublin Region-similarities and differences.
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Department of Health Education, Faculty of Life Sciences, Szczecin University, Szczecin.
Department of Clinical Psychology, Medical University, Lublin
Chair and Department of Epidemiology, Medical University, Lublin
Institute of Agricultural Medicine, Lublin
Department of Mathematics and Biostatistics, Medical University, Lublin
Paediatric and Endocrinology Ward, Children Clinical Hospital, Lublin
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2010;17(2):287-299
The objective of the study was determination of the frequency of occurrence of selected difficulties associated with disability and social problems which disturb the functioning of the disabled in rural and urban areas in the Lublin Region. The study was conducted by trained surveyors with the use of a standardized questionnaire which covered: 1) Demographic data: age, gender, education level and marital status; 2) Information concerning biological and legal disability, degree of disability, its causes, functional limitations due to disability; 3) Information pertaining to difficulties and barriers in daily living of the disabled population. The study covered 403 disabled selected by the method of targeted sampling--147 rural and 256 urban inhabitants. Log-linear model was applied for data analysis. Unfavourable demographic characteristics of the population of the disabled in the study: mean age 63; high percentage of never-married males and females; respondents possessing elementary education level; dominant number of those occupationally inactive. The most frequent limitations associated with disability: limitations in performing household jobs (70.9%), walking difficulties (68.1%). High intensity of material difficulties, in association with low education level and high percentage of those occupationally inactive, are the evidence of socio-economic deprivation of the population examined. Differences between rural and urban inhabitants was found: in the rural environment, compared to urban areas, the following were more frequently reported: lack of possibilities of rehabilitation in the place of residence, difficulties with access to medical specialist; alcohol abuse in the family, and family disagreements. Urban population more often than rural inhabitants perceived loneliness and isolation from the closest family.
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