Epidemiology of sarcoidosis recorded in 2006–2010 in the Silesian voivodeship on the basis of routine medical reporting
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Department of Epidemiology, Medical Faculty, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2014;21(1):55-58
Introduction and objective. The incidence of sarcoidosis (D.86.0, D.86.2) varies worldwide, although published data suggest that the rate remains at the level 10–40/100 000 population. In Poland, statistics are not conducted on sarcoidosis. The etiology of the disease remains unclear, but researchers suggest that one of causes is the exposure to environmental factors. The aim of this study is to determine territorial and temporal variations of incidence and hospitalized prevalence of sarcoidosis for adults aged 19 and older living in the Silesian voivodeship in south-western Poland. Materials and methods. To identify the number of cases of sarcoidosis and the number of hospitalized patients in 2006–2010, the database of the National Health Fund in Katowice, Silesia, was used. Data related to adults aged 19 and older who were inhabitants of the Silesian voivodeship. Standardized incidence and prevalence rates for total sarcoidosis per 100,000 population were calculated using the world standard population. Temporal and spatial variability of both rates in the Silesian voivodeship were presented according to ArcGIS 9.2. Results. The number of new cases of sarcoidosis is still increasing. The disease occurred primarily in younger men (25–50 years of age), as well as in some older women (age group 50–64 years). Standardized incidence rates of total sarcoidosis are in the range 3.8–4.5/100,000 population. There was a probable relationship between the incidence of sarcoidosis and the area of forest (r=0.4) or arable land (r=0.3). Conclusions. Sarcoidosis is a rare disease in the Silesian voivodeship and the standardized incidence and prevalence rates are slightly higher in men than in women. In the study period, spatial variability was observed. The highest rates were typical for districts with a predominance of forests and arable land.
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