Harmonisation of standards related to limiting chemical risk associated with work processes
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Doctoral School of Economics, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Romania
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2013;20(3):460-464
The presented paper tackles the issue of risk factors specific to work processes that involve the presence of chemicals. The reason that supports the present approach is the fact that the risks most likely to affect health in the workplace have been lately associated with the exposure of workers engaged in industrial activities to aggressive chemical agents. In order to tackle this problem, we shall resort to the normative regulations that have been adjusted upon Romania’s inclusion in the European Union. The harmonization and alignment of the national standards – applied to the work systems that make use of various chemical substances likely to affect the health of the human resource – to the European guidelines and regulations has brought about a significant improvement in workplace security practices. Consequently, the arguments and demonstrations in the presented study are based on elements of the European acquis and the Romanian regulations which are all related to the chemical risk factors generated by harmful chemicals, or the potentially accident-prone properties of the substances used in work processes.
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