Comparative analysis of secondary metabolites contents in Fragaria vesca L. fruits
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Department of Vegetable Crops and Medicinal Plants, University of Life Sciences, Lublin, Poland
Department of Genetics and Horticultural Plant Breeding, University of Life Sciences, Lublin, Poland
Division of Engineering in Nutrition, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2014;21(2):339-343
Fragaria vesca (wild strawberry) belongs to the Rosaceae family. Besides the leaves (Fragariae folium) and roots (Fragariae radix), the aromatic fruits (Fragariae fructus) of wild strawberry are also herbal materials used in medicine. The aim of this study was to compare the value of phytochemical and antioxidant activity of wild strawberry fruits (Fragaria vescaL.). The fruits were analyzed regarding their secondary metabolites contents (flavonoids, sum of phenolic acids, tannins, anthocyanins, DPPH), depending on the origin of the raw material (from natural habitats vs. cultivation). According to the obtained results, raw material originating from natural habitats contained significantly more flavonoids (0.559 mg∙g-1), compared to fruits harvested from cultivation (0.472 mg∙g-1, on average). Mean concentration of phenolic acids ranged from 1.648 mg∙g -1 – 2.348 mg∙g-1, although the wild form was characterized by higher levels of examined substances. Tannins are an important fraction of phenolic compounds; their content in studied fruits ranged from 2.2% (from cultivation) – 3.0% (from natural habitats). When comparing the average contents of anthocyanins in the studied materials, it was revealed that remarkably more of these compounds were recorded in wild strawberry fruits harvested from natural habitats vs. those from cultivations: 132 mg∙100 g-1 vs. 90 mg∙100 g-1. A difference was indicated with respect to the ability of DPPH radical reduction to diphenylpicrylhydrazine by extracts made of examined fruits.
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